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for green serbia

Save Serbia, Stop Lithium Mining!

Against corruption. The people do not want lithium mining.

Nature can look like this

But it better be clean

Green Serbia Rio Tinto mining

Green Serbia Rio Tinto mining

zelena srbija 3

The Jadar River flows through this region, lending its name to the area.

Did You Know?

Protecting Our Natural Heritage

Preserving Serbia's Rich Biodiversity
Serbia is home to over 4,000 plant species and 430 bird species, making it one of Europe's biodiversity hotspots. From the lush forests of Tara to the wetlands of the Danube, our landscapes are precious and irreplaceable.

Natural water
About serbia

Fun Fact

Over 30% of Serbia is covered by forests, providing a habitat for countless species and playing a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance.

Biodiversity Preservation

Protects the variety of species that keep ecosystems balanced.
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Clean Air and Water

Healthy ecosystems filter pollutants and provide clean air and water.
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Climate Regulation

Forests and oceans absorb CO2, helping to mitigate climate change.
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Sustainable Resources

Ensures natural resources are available for future generations.
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green Serbia 1
green Serbia 3
Protecting Nature, Sustaining Life

Preserve Serbia's Green Heart

Serbia's lush landscapes, flowing rivers, and diverse wildlife make it a jewel of the Balkans. Our commitment to preserving this natural heritage is essential for the well-being of our communities and future generations.

  • Serbia has over 600 protected plant species, many of which are endemic and found nowhere else in the world.
  • The Great Morava River, the longest river entirely in Serbia, supports a wide variety of fish and bird species.
  • Fruska Gora National Park is home to over 1,500 plant species, including rare and endangered ones, making it a biodiversity hotspot.

Nature of Serbia

Discover the rich and diverse landscapes of Serbia, where lush forests, pristine rivers, and unique wildlife come together. Explore the beauty and biodiversity that make Serbia a natural treasure worth protecting.

No Rio Tinto Serbia
No Rio Tinto Serbia
No Rio Tinto Serbia
No Rio Tinto Serbia
No Rio Tinto Serbia
No Rio Tinto Serbia
Why Lithium Mining is Harmful to Nature and Rivers:
  1. Water Contamination:
    Toxic chemicals used in the mining process can seep into rivers and groundwater, harming aquatic life and making the water unsafe for human consumption.
  2. Habitat Destruction:
    Clearing land for mining operations leads to deforestation and the loss of habitats for numerous plant and animal species.
  3. Soil Degradation:
    Mining disrupts the soil structure, leading to erosion and loss of fertile land, which negatively impacts agriculture and local vegetation.
  4. Depletion of Water Resources:
    Lithium mining requires vast amounts of water, which can drain local water supplies, threatening the livelihoods of farmers and the survival of natural habitats.
  5. Ecosystem Imbalance:
    The disturbance of natural landscapes disrupts ecological balance, affecting biodiversity and the natural processes that sustain life.
  6. Air Pollution:
    Dust and emissions from mining machinery contribute to air pollution, affecting the health of local communities and wildlife.
The Hidden Dangers of Lithium Mining

Protect Our Land and Water

Lithium mining, while promoted as a solution for clean energy, poses significant threats to the environment. From deforestation to water pollution, the consequences of extracting lithium can cause irreversible damage to our ecosystems, especially in regions like Jadar.

Just think

We only have nature

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